the more i learn abt kamala harris, her sister, their family, their upbringing, the more depressed i feel that they didn't use their experiences as the basis to be forces for good. the women they antagonize are very much like them. perhaps that proximity makes the cruelty easier.
kamala's sister maya had a child when she a teenager and has lupus. she could have been helped tremendously by something like free universal childcare and medicare for all.
kamala herself attended public school as a child and then howard university, an hbcu. young people who had expriences like hers could benefit greatly from the college for all program, which is also designed to help students at hbcus.
i just cannot compute when i see this sort of behavior. the experiences i had when growing up only made me empathize more with people going through similar if not more trying experiences. i don't understand how ppl come from such backgrounds & seek to harm ppl like themselves.
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