Trevor, @Watch_Momentum is a player owned company. I cofounded it. I started it because no one was doing what I think is necessary to connect with baseball fans, especially young ones. If any player wants to utilize our services to grow their brand and connect more with fans,
that is why we exist. We charge players nothing and pay them when we can. We’re not trying to put anyone out of business, we’re simply trying to fill a massive hole in the industry that is HURTING PLAYERS league wide. Most guys have a very short window of being a professional
athlete, and unfortunately, the current culture of baseball discourages them from building their brand and platform. When you add on top of that the fact that most agencies are not equipped to spend the amount of time on each of their players that it takes to educate them and
help them build their voice and influence, the majority of players leave our game without enough money to be set for life and without a platform or voice that allows them to do the things they want to do when their playing career is over. A better landscape exists for players
in branding, marketing, representation, and training. Momentum is helping to paint that picture. The entire goal is to HELP PLAYERS, because I don’t see many other people out there attempting to do that. I’d be curious to hear how you feel Momentum is taking away from other
player owned platforms, because if we are, it’s by accident and I will address it. With that being said, the way I see things, we are pushing a much needed culture change in baseball, encouraging young players to break the shut up and play mold, and showing that players can be
both all-star caliber players and iconic personal brands off the field at the same time. Please tell me how any of this is a bad thing for any other players. I’ll await your response. If you’d like to take it up with me in person, we can discuss on Tuesday from six+ feet apart.
You can follow @BauerOutage.
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