My favorite question to fellow researchers is "What's your all-time favorite paper?". Through the answer I can learn a lot about the person.

Let's try that on Twitter!
I'll begin. I've chosen with difficulty 5 papers I really liked.

The pic is a spoiler.
Until reading this paper, I believed ES cells were only for 2D differentiation. The paper proposed the concept of SELF-ORGANIZATION of 3D tissue morphology. The data were also amazing: multiphoton imaging, elasticity measurement, simulation...Too good!
In 2005, I first encountered SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY. The idea of making and even designing biological functions was super fresh to me!
The synthetic bullseye pattern in E coli also embodies the positional information concept of developmental biology.
If you liked these tweets, please introduce your all-time favorite paper with the hashtag #AllTimeFavoritePaper. I'm curious about what papers have shaped you and why you loved them.
You can follow @EbisuyaMiki.
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