Seeing a collective revolution by the commoners exposing the Bollywood Hypocrisy and holier than Thou attitude. They appear to be porcelain but in reality is that they are nothing more than paper machetes. The Sadak 2 trailer has indeed been a wake up alarm.
Sadly even the death of Sushant Singh Rajput could not wake them up but the boycott by commoners on the OTT platforms has woke them up to smell the Coffee. Nepotism is being defended in simplest term & comparison is often made to other professions where professions are inherited.
However they forget that in other professions, the entry to the profession is not blocked or stifled. Unlike Bollywood they dont fix awards and skills are recognized by the ones who are consuming the services. People have seen how the standards hv deteriorated in the Filmy lanes.
There are ghettos often referred as Coffee clubs or Kitty parties which have largely monopolized the business. Bt how has the business evolved from being largely supported by underworld to professionally managed production houses. I have a hunch that the underworld has evolved
They have become more professional and might be actually sitting on board of many production houses. (Only an assumption) Funding from Banks and Financial Institions is still not encouraged. Films being a risky business. Where is the money flowing into remains largely opaque.
Pakistani actors all of sudden were flooded in India, neither I doubt their talent nor do I unappreciate the fact that they were fetched at a cheap price but cannot overlook that the most infamous down still operates from Karachi. Were Indian artists any less talented, a big NO.
Bollywood has various types
1. The Rich Nepo kids,largely rude , too much self absorbed and largely benefiting from connections of Families
2. The elite urdu liberals often appear on TV debates on Twitter with skewed stance on Kashmir, maoism, anti Hindu. These are influencers.
They liberals are most dangerous of their kinds. Will hobnob wid Pakistani,can question Hindu religion, my army,our elected representatives, distort history bt when pushed to corner cn cry intolerance. Dey can spread fake news without even blinking an eyelid. They set a narrative
3. Chamchas: They can be anybody chamchas, from Bollywood superstars to politician kids, from the urdu liberals to anybody. They always remain a sidekick and are rewarded by some small roles in big movies/small movies/TV series depending how much can u dance on Ganpati Visarjan
Or be in their silly parties.
4. The actual talent: yes some are actually talented you may or may not agree to their politics but they have worked hard to be their but not many are superstars and largely looked in contempt from coworkers if they dont hobnob at parties.
While I was graduating from Delhi I was the president of the dramatic society and in that reference I met several talented boys and girls whose acting would actually give goose bumps but in Bollywood if they are lucky they landed in very minuscule roles. It breaks my heart
Coming back to the funding part which is largely opaque the Govt should actually Inquire into the ways and means of the funding. The industry should be formalized on many counts from fundings to hiring, sexual harrassment committees to proper unions.
Cinema of India should not be restricted to Bollywood alone. The regional cinema is talent power house. Let them all have a level playing field. The death of #SushantSingh should be a turning point and land mark for improving and institutionalizing the industry.
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