When we arrived in Rome a few years ago I jokingly told my kids that "you could see Mount Vesuvius from here". Haha. Then found out, two days ago, that the hazy hill in the BG is in fact the (super) volcano of Colli Albani. Which is "waking up" and will erupt within 2000 years.
Most people don't realize how volcanic Italy is. They only know about the active volcanoes like Etna, Stromboli and sleeping Vesuvius...

...but did you know a mini-volcano opened spontaneously on a roundabout beside Fiumicino Airport in 2013? spewed 5m high eruptions...
...not to speak about the so-called Campi Flegrei super-volcano near Pozzuoli, a few miles from Vesuvius. The last big eruption 35.000 years ago changed the climate in Europe for centuries... and an eruption will come (relatively) soon again.
finally, I leave you with a little video that I did on Mount Vesuvius August last year.... https://twitter.com/EduardHabsburg/status/1157606114613170177?s=20
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