when forming a product or brand the energy you put out is the energy you will receive.... i usually charge $200/hr for golden pearls like that
Consider the percentages of your time... are you dedicating time to the promotion of your product? if not? what is it that is consuming your time. priorities must be structured
Lets talk about compartmentalization... thats a big word for someone who has had 8 glasses of cabernet... but we shall press on!!
in structuring the launch, and managing the persona of your brand its critical to compartmentalize... particularly in products of sentimental value. its easy to form attachments to a righteous cause but this can often be a detriment to the product
conflation of value of brand & value of self clouds the effectiveness of promotion. Again as a check, consider your time spent. Example... Jeff Bezos brand is amazon Trumps brand is Trump... one of these people speaks of themselves in the 3rd person. the other is a billionaire
Now that we have established the focus perimeters lets talk marketplace crowding and competition. theeese are 2 differnt things yall and your approach should be determined by what situation you are dealing with
in crowded markets its best to set yourself apart as the BEST SELLER of the product. in competitive markets its best to determine that YOUR PRODUCT is the best one out there

whatever situation you find yourself in act accordingly
well Drea, what do i do in a competitive market?! you ask as i write the invoice for another hour... well dummy, you make a better product... and get all the people to say your product is better and prove it with data n shit. That one is EASY
Crowded markets are something else entirely. How does one elevate their brand when everyone is essentially doing the same thing. That is where is where establishing your unique VOICE comes into play
in finding your voice you may and SHOULD try different methods to establish yourself in the market place but the most critical thing is that your voice speak to your values. without values your brand has no guide or anchor
the key is to be flexible if something doesnt work its fine to try a different strategy as long as the core values of the brand are the guide. it is in this refocusing that we must remember not to conflate the brand and the self
analyze time spent and who that time is spent speaking to. Are you promoting your voice to those that can advance your brand? or are you just shouting in an echo chamber? critical internal analysis is key
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