Thread on Fauna of Andaman-

1. Dugong- is the State Animal of Andaman And Nicobar Islands
2. Andaman Wood Pigeon- is the State Bird of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
3. Nicobar Pigeon- is one of the closest living relatives of the extinct bird Dodo.
4. Coconut Crab- is the largest land living Arthropod.
5. Leatherback Turtle- the biggest and the most endangered of the Turtle species.
6. Andaman Island Day Gecko- found only in Andamans.
7. Nicobar Megapode- found only in Nicobar Islands. Faces extinction.
8. South Andaman Krait- Bungarus andamanensis
9. Andaman Woodpecker- another endangered species found exclusively in Andamans.
10. Nicobar Long tailed Macaque- This primate is found on three of the Nicobar Islands—Great Nicobar, Little Nicobar and Katchal.
11. Andaman Cobra- Naja sagittifera, endemic to Andamans, venomous and is fairly widespread.
12. Andaman Catsnake- Boiga andamanensis is a species of rear-fanged mildly venomous snake. It is endemic to the Andamans.
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