Hey folks. I’m out in Southeast Portland tonight covering day 70 something of protests. A few hundred here, the group is expected to march soon. Stay tuned.
Also, there’s new (to me) swag out here:
Headed out, assuming to county sherrif HQ on burnside.
Headed north on Cesar Chavez
Burnside and 44th:
The group is met by three motorcycle cops before reaching the building. Blocking off Burnside. Then they drive off.
Portland Police have announced their presence here (at a county sheriff’s building). They tell the crowd not to commit crimes, and shine a bright light on the marchers.
This sign meads “0 days since the PPB used tear gas.”
Worth noting that at least 50 percent of people out here are wearing some kind of gas mask right now.
Pup on the front lines.
Here’s the front line:
“Say his name!” “Quanice Hayes” “Who killed him?” “PPB!”
This man is singing a song about PPB being racist. I’ve seen this guy at EVERY protest and I saw him at EVERY SINGLE city council meeting since 2018. Civic engagement 101, y’all.
And the painter is here.
Hi, apologize for the silence — we’re still in the doldrums here. No police interactions, lots of drumming and hangs.
Looks like a firework was thrown towards officers. Officers make announcement, reminder folks to not do crimes.
Moms United for Black Lives are here, chants lead by Demetria Hester.
Slightly related: Micah Fletcher is also in attendance tonight.
Meanwhile, down the street: https://twitter.com/pdocumentarians/status/1294879848402309124
Another firework shot towards police. And LRAD announcement in response, same ‘no crimes’ warning.
A PPB announcement is interrupted by a protester’s recording of a man asking PPB to wear their nametags.
So, two fireworks have gone off. No water bottles or other objects have been chucked toward police. Officers have stayed put, protesters have remained in the street. In summary, not much has happened tonight (at least, compared to previous eves).
Someone banged on one of the building’s doors. Police say don’t.
Group has moved into the parking lot, closer to PPB.
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