To be clear, “Do Something” twitter is actually supposed to be ironic, in that you guys are hypercritical and underestimate Democrats at every turn while saying literally nothing about Republicans, and are generally wrong about a lot.
Like I doubt that your 24 hour blame posting had anything to do with something Pelosi and Dems have been sounding an alarm over for months. This is the culmination.
I generally agree with all of these guys, but they’re also no different than “both sides” journos in some respects, in that their brains have been overtaken with the overwhelming urge to blame Democrats first and deny that the GOP have any agency.
I get that people want Democrats to do stuff (Breaking: They do do stuff! They impeached him!), but they control 1/2 of 1/3 of government. They literally don’t have the power to make Republicans give a fuck about doing their jobs.
A good thread for “Do Something” critics who just can’t help themselves. Democrats have been on this for months. They’re pulling all the levers they can.
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