Why you should always do what’s best for you, and not because of love.
If you question your heart, please, trust your intuition. It never lies. It never makes you feel uncomfortable for no reason, so open your eyes.
Don’t keep letting souls in who will hurt you more than they’ll ever love you. Don’t keep letting anyone walk all over you and expect you to deal with their toxicity forever. You’re allowed to walk away when things are no longer healthy, they don’t need to understand why.
It’s okay to not have an explanation but choosing yourself, they don’t need closure after damaging you all the times you didn’t have the vision. It’s okay to choose what makes you happy in the moment, what makes you feel alive, in that moment.
The universe doesn’t make you question the love, intentions, and character of someone for no reason. There’s more for you, when it presents to you, don’t overlook it. Don’t try to hide you’re faced with it.
Accept not everyone will be a permanent soul in your story, some are only here to remind you, you deserve better.
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