Good advice for people who feel unsafe about voting in person but now fear the USPS will be unable to deliver a “mail-in” ballot in a timely fashion.
There is a way around it:
1. Request a mail-in ballot.
2. Do not mail it.
3. Google your supervisor of elections
to see where you can drop off your mail-in ballot. Its usually NOT THE POLLING PLACE. All states allow this!
Here is what you're accomplishing by doing this:
1. Your ballot gets in on time no matter what happens to the USPS.
2. You don't have to worry about standing in long lines
and risking infection. You're just stopping by to drop it off.
3. You still voted! Hooray!
Also, when you drop it off, find out how to track it online to make sure it is verified. California, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado have systems that can track your ballot just like
tracking a package from Amazon.
All CA vote centers (which are open for weeks to a month before election day) have ballot drop-off boxes too! Many government buildings have them also, so there's no need to wait until election day when it's crowded to drop them off. The list of
drop-off sites is always posted on each county's voter info website.
***This is very important and I would appreciate everyone who sees this to copy it on their page. (Press and hold until the copy option pops up)***
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