Millions have come to enjoy and love J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy but few know that the author privately told many that these works were based on a true history of Europe, one which had been hidden from ordinary people for thousands of years.
Although publicly being forced to claim these stories came from his experiences in the Great War, in private Tolkien was said to become enraged when his works were dismissed as "fantasy".

 " ... ‘NO!  It isn’t analogy and metaphor!  This is what I learned from my reading…’
As a young student at Oxford, Tolkien claimed that he discovered a number of old books in the basement of the school's library.
They contained an account of life in Europe 6, 500 years ago and an epic struggle for ancient civilization that occurred then.
The books were written in ancient Scandinavian, a language that Tolkien had coincidently studied so he was able to read them.

Tolkien reportedly told his friends like C.S. Lewis… "there’s a whole history we don’t even know about."
Now, Europe 6,500 years ago was far different than we know it today.

The British Isles were connected to the continent in what archeologists now refer to as "Doggerland".

If one looks at maps of old Europe, they can easily see how it connects to the LOTR topography.
In several private letters to correspondents, Tolkien wrote that

"Lord of the Rings’ was about Europe 6500 years ago; that the Irish were the Hobbits and the elves were the Nords."
The similarities between Tolkien's fictional Middle Earth races and ancient ones such as Celts are too obvious to ignore.

Hobbit Shires bear a strong resemblance to early Celtic settlements.
Elves were the Nordic, Viking races.

Wizards like Gandolf we're Druid priests.
But beyond Tolkiens own private recollections, modern science itself has shown that the ancient world was full of various hominid species associating and interbreeding with each other (modern man included).

Articles below 👇👇👇
There was even a race of actual hobbits.

Although their remains have so far only been discovered in Indonesia, various legends from around the world of similar beings show they were probably widespread.
But what about LOTR main antagonist, Sauron?
He is most likely based on the historic figure Sargon of Akkad (who himself may have been a composite of a number of different people).

This figure literally invented the concept of time and the rules which our modern world runs on
Before the time of Sauron/Sargon, men lived more in harmony with themselves and nature because psychic abilities and spiritual gifts were abundant.

After Sauron imposed his corrupt system, our minds became imprisoned by the artificial reality it created and these were lost.
Orcs and other such creatures presented in LOTR were likely other hominid species such as neanderthals.

Sauron's "eye" is definitely Saturn or a form of Saturn cube used to enslave humans and other species, blinding them to the truth.
Unfortunately, unlike the ending of LOTR, the real-world equivalent of Sauron won and we are now all stuck in the matrix he and the modern elites descended from him have kept us in.

One day man will hopefully get his collective self out of it but much work will be needed to.
Original article about the hidden, true history of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings:
The Rings represent the power of man over reality and his perception of it, and whether or not civilization would exist based on freedom and harmony with the natural world or with our spiritual blindness and enslavement to material things.

Whose hands is it in now?
Also, note that LOTR contains many other esoteric topics in its pages such as Atlantis (Númenor), celestial ones (Valar), ancient races being genetically engineered by others, etc...

It's clear that Tolkien was well versed in such hidden knowledge.
@threadreaderapp unroll if you please.
Note: this thread is based on reported private correspondences of J.R.R. Tolkien.

It has absolutely nothing to do with politics, whether Right or Left, mysticism, racialism, fascism, etc...

Those who try to read these things into it are sorely mistaken.
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