#BlackInChemWeek is coming to a close, I genuinely enjoyed Black chemists sharing their research and I followed so many awesome scientists! So much to ❤️ ...here is a highlight 🧵 gleaned from my twitter feed... https://twitter.com/SiegenthalerLab/status/1292521048827551744?s=20
#BlackinChemRollCall was OUTSTANDING, amazing research/job descriptions from Black chemists in a variety of fields from all over the 🌎. Two favs were biochemist @drstarbird who studies RTKs & analytical chemist @Derick_Devon using mass spec to develop new strategies against MRSA
#BlackInAnalytical highlights for me were @DanielMukasa1 research thread of his work @Caltech to make wearable health sensors & @Devin_Eleven awesome thread on the 'ins and outs' of analytical chemistry (I learned a lot from that thread!)
#blackinbiological highlights are difficult to choose, so many biochemists doing amazing research! I am a little biased toward the 🧠 folks like @kianijeacock, awesome undergrads like @Wawa_wawai & the grad students like @JJAlston_ who likes TFs (& has a very cute dog)
#BlackinInorganic highlight for me was @doktor_clark explaining her lab's research @memphis_chem where they manipulate the 'sterics' and the 'electronics' of ligands in transition metal complexes - check our her group's website http://clarkresearchgroup.org/  https://twitter.com/doktor_clark/status/1293592387139198977?s=20
I have a soft spot for #BlackinOrganic as I ❤️ed organic chemistry @mtholyoke (but I ❤️ed the 🧠 more, hence my career) - @gathwaegl was my highlight because she works on therapeutic compounds to target Cxcr4/Cxcl12. Cxcl12 is a key meninges-derived signal, so I was hooked!
#BlackinPhysical highlight was @DarthScience explanation of her ❤️ of the speed of light & the 4-wave mixing equation. @DarthScience is a science educator @exploratorium in SF - I took a school field trip there almost every year as a kid, I loved it! https://twitter.com/DarthScience/status/1294366814818848768?s=20
And who can forget celebrity ❤️ for #BlackInChem by @MCHammer...is was seriously 'legit'! 😉 https://twitter.com/MCHammer/status/1293036295803908101?s=20
The importance of 'Black in' hashtags weeks on twitter is to not just highlight the important work by Black scientists but to underscore their under-representation at all levels of academia & industry, a product of systemic racism that is pervasive in all scientific fields.
I will end by saying thank you so much to the co-founders of #BlackInChem week, awesome work!

You can follow @SiegenthalerLab.
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