I am reading Dennis Kux's second book: Disenchanted Allies--this one about US-Pakistan relationship. Finished the other one Estranged Democracies--which is about US-India. One thing is clear--US always had misgivings about its alliance with Pakistan, except during Nixon-Kissinger
The US, despite India's Soviet tilt and general cussedness, never really took an anti-India stance (except Nixon-Kissinger). Even Nixon after 1971 wanted rapproachment. US wanted Pakistan alliance as a bulwark against USSR. Pakistan for its struggle against India. There was never
any common ground. OTOH Pakistan-China relationship is sounder footing.
I must say that reading these books gives me much greater appreciation of Pakistan's diplomatic capabilities. Clear idea of their interests and how to play the various powers. Indians appear clueless, prickly
....and empty moralizers.
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