These past 6 months I have gained much more knowledge about softball pitching and development. This has made a huge impact on our athletes and their programs. (Thread 1/5)
Previously, I wanted to start with pitch design & development rather than establishing a movement base. However, I’ve learned that without a movement base, it’s more difficult to proceed with pitch design.Establishing a movement base is key for long term player development! (2/5)
The biggest concept I’ve learned about is pelvic control & it’s influence on pitching. Learning about pelvic control involves understanding how to rotate efficiently. The Core Velo Belt ( @LantzWheeler) & pre-throwing movements are a great learning tool I’ve incorporated. (3/5)
@_lilianberry_, Anna Carter, & Sam Colaw show examples of a few pre-throwing movements and feels I’ve added for our softball athletes. (4/5)
The knowledge I’ve gained has helped me to program better for each athlete and help create a movement base for them. I’m excited to continue learning to help our softball pitchers! (5/5)
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