I've been debating on whether to talk about this but I feel strongly about this so I don't feel right being passive. Most war rp is garbage. Intrinsically it would be based around an rp situation with a goal to be reached. Terms wars make sense, perpetual does not.
No terms mean everyone is fair game, regardless if they want anything to do with it. Even people who are friendly with a gang member are now dragged into a war they want no part of. As a civ I can tell you it is hard enough to survive in the city as it stands.
Civilians literally have no recourse against a gang member. You sue them you get shot. You tell the police, you are a snitch and get shot. It isn't rp, it is a dictated story for your character with 1 outcome. If they come with a gun out, you can't pull yours or NVL.
You walk around with your gun out, you give the impression you are inviting conflict. Endless war is a resource hog for the city. Police have to constantly respond so rp for the majority of the city is paused. Criminals with good schemes for jobs are left with no response.
Civs can't get any interaction with cops when they are wronged. People who create amazing storylines for the cops to investigate are left floundering as the war rages on. As a reporter in the city, my rp is directly affected by what is going on in the city. If there is a war...
news is dead other than shots fired pings in areas we cannot get to because of active scenes. As an investigator, no one wants to partake in that style of rp because most everyone is focused on the war itself. People get shot for driving a car a certain color.
People's cars get stolen JUST to be used in the war itself. 8 people in a 75 person server have the attention of most of the server. I get it, there are times war makes sense. You go to war for a purpose for a finite amount of time. That makes sense. It creates rp for the city.
Gang rp can be amazing. The different plays for turf, the chokehold on various resources, the fighting back and forth for things, it makes sense and creates ripples in the city that others can build off of. Doing things that make sense! Chasing police until they are all dead,
not letting your buddy go to jail for a legit 30 minutes, hunting cops...but a civilian not obeying a criminal is NVL? We, as a community, spend more time coming up with ways to make ourselves look better at the expense of others. We need to be mindful of the others involved.
What rp is the other person getting out of what you are doing? Getting robbed repeatedly is not giving someone rp. Shooting someone every time you see them does not give them rp. Try to give more than you get. Be decent and tell a story about more than how you shot someone.
I love the Nopixel community. I spent months waiting hours and hours in queue just to have a chance to get into the server. I love that I can improve, tell a story, give others things to do, and just stretch my creative wings here.
That is why it bums me out so much that I can't even bring myself to log in this week. Knowing that outside of the people I give and take with regularly, the SK crowd and the Illuminati family, there will be nothing for me to do aside from chase pings.
Stories are shelved for gunfights. That does not make for a good environment for folks that are not shooters. I'm there to do slow burn rp and storytelling and comedy. There is room for all sorts of rp in the city, but not at the expense of others.
I'm just a small fish in the pond, but I love this damn pond. And feeling like I don't have a place there is a terrible feeling to have. I'm hopeful for the future, but right now, I don't feel like I belong anymore. Especially not in endless war season.
Shout out to those consistently telling stories and powering through it all. I'll make it back eventually. I love it to much to walk away. And apologies to those who I owe rp to, I'll do my best to make that up to you. Regardless, I love NoPixel. Best community on Twitch.
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