Thread: Despite threats from the perpetrator & a sudden absence of support from the other survivor, I feel with every fiber of my being that it is my responsibility to shed light on the manipulative and predatory behavior of a dangerous client, with over 90 OKs & 100 Reviews.
Personal info will be shared w providers & receipts of abuse will be shared w the world. Why? Bc predators do not deserve protection. I do not give a shit about bein blackmailed or outted; I know exactly who I am. Truth & safety of SWs is far too important for me to stay silent.
If I would have been made aware of the alarming, dripping with red flags, toxic language within conversations that were withheld from me for days leading up to this event, I would have never, ever agreed to this trip. I would have never gotten on that plane.
I was invited to fly across state lines with a former colleague who doted on this client that requested an overnight with both of us; little did I know that I had put my faith in the wrong peer, & the client had nothin more for me than sinister, ill intentions once I arrived.
As Mr Bitter realized his blatant tactics including boundary pushing, creepy sexual inuendos & belittlement were not affecting me whatsover in his favor, the date ended & he claims to make it his mission to "ruin" me for 1) him paying & 2) fleeing his hotel immediately after.
Obviously I left for my safety as well as his own; his personality change once he recognized a loss of power &control, was intense and if things had escalated further as I knew it would with this monster, I can assure all, that he would've left in a body bag.
My voice, along with my intuition, are loud af for a reason, and I intend to use those gifts in every way to make damn sure this toxic nutsack, as well as others, do not have the opportunity to prey on another human being again.
Look Mr Bitter, ur finally gettin ALL that ass-play u pushed for so aggressively.This whole bullet-dodgin experience was overwhelming but it feels good to remind someone like U exactly who is the one in a position of power. & its certainly not U... but did u cum? I sure did.🖕🏼🖕🏼
#Footnote & considering I had no choice but to change my clothes in a freakin parking lot after makin two flights to TN from NC, my hair looked fuckin
F A B U L O U S 🙌🏼😍💘

What an epic fail, that douchebag.

❤always, PT
aka "Some Kind Of Cunt"
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