Here's the new 'Inclusivity Statement' that's in the syllabus for all of the college courses I teach. The goal is to promote genuine diversity of opinion & to nudge students to respect each other's freedom of speech & freedom of conscience... (Thread, 1/15)
"You’re welcome in this class! I will try to make this class a truly inclusive and mutually respectful place – not just in terms of demographics, but in terms of background, sexuality, family circumstances, values, interests, religion, politics, and other beliefs.
You’re welcome whatever your age, race, ethnicity, or national origin. You’re welcome whatever your sex, gender, sexual orientation, relationship orientation (monogamist, polyamorous, whatever), and marital status (single, married, divorced).
You’re welcome whether you have kids or step-kids or not. You’re welcome whether you’re in the armed services or not, whether you’re a veteran or not. You’re welcome if you’re a student athlete. You’re welcome if you have a disability or mental health issue.
You’re welcome whatever your life circumstances and challenges
You’re welcome whatever your political orientation – whether conservative, liberal, or centrist, whether Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, or whatever.
(With a major, highly contentious presidential election this November, it’s especially important to be politically inclusive and non-partisan, and to be respectful of students who might not share your views.)
You’re welcome whatever your views on religion – whether Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, Mormon, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, New Age, atheist, agnostic, or whatever. You’re welcome whatever your views on other controversial topics.
I want you to take seriously this message of inclusivity when interacting with other students. You will not agree on everything. I think college students shouldn’t agree about everything – and they shouldn’t agree with their professors about everything.
Some of your fellow students support Biden, some support Trump, and some support other candidates.
Some of your fellow students may believe that everyone is naturally bisexual, polyamorous, and kinky at heart, and some may believe that everything other than vanilla monogamous marriage is a sin, and a threat to Western Civilization.
Some may support gay marriage; some might not. On abortion, some might be pro-choice; some might be pro-life. Some might support Black Lives Matter; some might not.
Some students might think society would be better if everyone took DMT at Burning Man and Ecstasy at Coachella; others might not.
Some of your fellow students might have views that you consider offensive, abhorrent, sinful, ridiculous, idiotic, psychopathic, or dangerous – and some might think your views fit into these categories.
Regardless of these differences, we should try to treat each other the way we would want to be treated -- with politeness, consideration, and warmth, and with respect for our freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and freedom of association." (End)
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