COVID Update August 15: This is a message for people facing despair, hopelessness, or anxiety about the pandemic. 1/
I hear from a lot of people in this situation daily.

Some are despairing because they are scared for their health or a loved one. They are essential workers, teachers, or have pre-existing conditions. This frightens them. 2/
For others, they are feeling uncertain. There are new stresses around income & relationships. They feel like they nothing but bad news many days. That causes feelings of depression & anxiety. This is just as real as the first group and NO ONE should be embarrassed about it. 3/
If you are in the first group, the country should never have put you in this position. Never. We should all be curious about this & need to have your backs.

Making masks, bringing food— these are not what you need but it is people crying out that they want to help. 4/
The people that can help are Congress. The president. Governors.

They can pass policies requiring more PPE production. They can require masks and close bars. They can provide financial support. They are failing while you carry us up this hill. 5/
Among many many others, I will never quit getting in the face of Congress, governors & the White House until this is done. With active proposals. With noise. Keeping the attention on.

We will not quit on you until the government does the right thing. 6/
And vote. This is the job evaluation process for people managing the pandemic.

But there is other good news in the points I’m about to make about the second group of people. 7/
To the second group: those feeling lost, hopeless, or depressed at the uncertainty. I have a few things to say that are informed opinions. 8/
1. There is a lot of good news but it is occurring mostly in the background.

The death rate for COVID has already been cut by 1/2 to 2/3. Convalescent plasma (by the end of the month) & monoclonal antibodies (this Fall) will cut the death rate further— likely in 1/2 again. 9/
So in 5 months, this is already much more survivable. And it will get more survivable. And soon preventable.

Imagine being able to put antibodies in our essential workers. You won’t read this every day. But it is all being worked on every day. 10/
Like today’s news about a low cost saliva test. While we’ve been up at night worrying, these people & many like them have been up working. 11/
By next year, there will be monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, rapid tests making the virus less likely to spread & less lethal.

There will be ups & downs— shortages, missteps, new challenges— but seen with a little distance, things will head the right direction. 12/
2. You aren’t alone. This situation virtually all of us at different times I don’t care what people say.

I happen to think that some of the people most dismissive of the virus have a hard time wanting to think about it. And hope it’s better. I understand that. 13/
Fortunately we have people working on science in case hope doesn’t work.

3. We have never been more equipped in our history to handle an epidemic like this.

There have been pandemics & plagues before. But now we have clean air & water, genomics & much higher living standards throughout the world. 15/
Some examples. In 1918, There was no Internet to instantly share research & findings. There was no Gates Foundation to fund massive vaccine development for things that worked to get it to everyone. 16/
Yes we may have bad governments, but we have a free press. Secrets can’t be kept for long. When things happen in jails, border communities & nursing homes, we don’t find out 5 years later. We find out 5 days later. 17/
4. How COVID spreads is not a mystery. We know how to stop it. It may feel frustrating to know this but this would feel much more dire if we didn’t know how.

Yes we need to summon the will. But public opinion polls say it is there. 4 out of 5 are ready to do what it takes. 18/
6. Sure some things have changed temporarily. There are big missing pieces to life. Hugging your mom. Movies. Socializing. Maybe church or something else you are missing.

But most things haven’t changed. 20/
There are still really good people. There are still assholes. There are no more assholes than before. They may just bother us more now.

Maybe you’ve made some unpleasant realizations about human nature. Well, there are amazing ones too. 21/
-the people who have been babysitting for free for health care workers
-people who are developing vaccines & tests for free
-teams procuring N95s at no cost
-neighbors who drop off meals

I’ve been blown away by many showing their true colors. 22/
7. I find fresh air, good music, birds, taking a walk, exercising, talking to a friend I haven’t talk to in a while, skipping meetings, seeing younger people do cool stuff & a bunch of other small joys.

I also find stuff funny. 23/
9. Yes we have to sacrifice. But that won’t be forever. Our parents & grandparents & beyond probably sacrificed for much longer.

They all looked fine. They looked older but fine. 24/
10/ Get help. Anyway from anyone.

There are great online therapists. All over the place. On line, via Zoom.

It helps. They know what to do. They have seen this all before.

We all need help to get through stuff. /end
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