The confusion around airborne spread is around the word "airborne," which some experts decided means long-range transmission, even outdoors.
That's nonsense. Let's speak plain English so everyone can understand.
Airborne means carried by air. And the virus is indeed that. /1
And once we all use that word to mean what it does in the actual language (not in jargon), let's clarify that any real risk is indoors with poor ventilation because outside the mass of air dilutes the virus. /2
To expect instead that everyone is going to avoid the word airborne and talk about aerosols and droplets... i mean, seriously? That's supposed to be the better way to communicate with the public? /3
If epidemiologists and infectious diseases experts are so bent out of shape about the word airborne being used to mean something they don't use it to mean, then respectfully, change your jargon. Not the English language. /4
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