It really is time for tumblr refugees to understand and accept that y’all internalized a shitton of radfem propaganda on that site and move past it
You were in an echo chamber with like-minded folks for years and now you’re on a platform that hosts a far bigger variety of people that is more reflective of the world at large

It’s time to move out of your hugbox and get real
Here’s the thing folks don’t get— it wasn’t /called/ radfem propaganda or packaged that way. Who remembers ‘OP was a terf so I stole this’ posts? Even ‘fiction affects reality’ is an extension of it. It blended itself in so well that most ppl just take it as Social Justice 101
‘You can’t ship this bc it normalizes x’ is the nerd version of ‘this kink is bad because it normalizes x’ which is used against sex workers

‘Fiction affects reality so x makes ppl think x is ok’ is literally a path to thinking ‘fujoshi reading yaoi makes them think they’re men’
Ace exclusion literally leads to full blown trans exclusion as we’ve proven here time and time again

Lesbian separatist ideas are RAMPANT on this site

This is a multi-step process of radicalization and you can stop it in its tracks
How much hideous kink shaming do we see on this site every day. ESPECIALLY around Pride.

Not to mention ‘These [full grown women sex workers wearing pigtails] are ENCOURAGING PEDOPHILIA!!’ is word for word SWERF talk. Word. For. Word.
Young lesbians in particular, you are being radicalized. You were targeted specifically. It’s time to really examine where you got your ideas from. Who told you about them? Did you read it somewhere? Is it smth you’ve actually researched or are u just repeating shit?
Is the reason you get so defensive and shout ‘LESBOPHOBIA!!’ when ppl mention this shit bc you realize you’ve been echoing bad actors? Instead of getting your asses in a twist just stop and reflect. Read a book. Look at history. LISTEN to people. Seriously.
These ideas are not being packaged to you in a way that shows you that they directly lead to things like SESTA/FOSTA, blanket censorship laws, and policies that directly harm marginalized communities

They’re being presented as forward-thinking and progressive
Look at what Patreon is doing. They started with banning ‘loli’ shit but moved on to include characters with big eyes, then anime characters in general, then ‘noncon’ kink art, then all kink art—all the while sneaking in ways to specifically single out LGBT content.
I gotta say I’m beyond relieved to see more and more folks challenging this shit. And many don’t even need ppl like me to point it out—just look at the viral tweets, they’re identical. The same dogmatic shit over and over. ‘Fiction affects reality bc Jaws!!!’ ‘Fujoshis Bad!!’
WHY? Why. Literally why. Give sources. Give facts. Statistics. Seriously, the next time someone says ‘x romanticizes/enables/fetishizes x’ ask them to PROVE IT. Prove there’s a correlation+causation, and ask what they believe the solution is to the problem they’re proposing
Because the implication is ‘you can’t draw/write/ship x OR ELSE YOULL BE HARASSED AND SHAMED’— and that is the point. so the above is rhetorical, really, u can’t appeal to their logic bc they have none

But you CAN point out the bullshit to other people
Remember that radfems and conservatives are in cahoots and have been for decades

Remember that the right has been trying to smear lgbt ppl as pedophiles for ages

Remember how successful this hoax was and still is
Remember all the 4chan ‘raids’ on tumblr and how they’ve always planned on ‘pilling’ you

Remember to use your brain and think for yourselves and stop letting hysteria and groupthink influence you

Remember to get off the fucking internet occasionally and take a break
Remember the Alamo

Lol ok I’m done

I know I sound like a conspiracy theorist but I’m right and if grown ass ppl can be sucked into that Q/anon shit then you bet your ass vulnerable teens can be swayed by something similar
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