What is your unrealistic Plan B career you fantasize about but that would require an entirely different life to launch? Mine is to launch a restaurant specializing exclusively in Rhode Island heritage foods (Johnny cakes, clam cakes, cabinets...)
One observation I’ve had from working 15 years is that if you turn your “passion” into a “job” it starts to feel a lot more like “work.”

There are plenty of ways to enjoy what you do for a living—but sometimes it’s more pleasant and satisfying to let hobbies be just that.
The advice to make your Passion your Career can be misleading because it tricks you into thinking the top priority of work is to enjoy it. But your job is literally work and succeeding at it takes more than passion. Some passions should just be hobbies.
Helpful to remember that it’s not my job that makes me exhausted, it’s the way that I work.
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