On a personal note, a postal worker kinda saved me when I was a kid. I was five and my parents left me home alone for the first time, at my request, while they ran errands. However, I was a kid with an “overactive imagination” so it didn’t take long for me to freak out...
(I was scared of people coming coming out from behind the furniture, basement monsters etc...)
I couldn’t stay in the house and I couldn’t go anywhere else because I was five years old, so I sat on the stoop crying until our mailman came by on his rounds. After making sure I was okay, he promised to wait with me until my parents came back and it was safe indoors!
For a half hour he sat there with me telling me how the mail worked and answered questions about truck, packages etc. until my parents showed up (alarmed to see my out of the house). I have loved the USPS ever since!
The postal service combats isolation: Sometimes a mail carrier is the only person you can count on seeing in a day. During CoVid, we’ve seen how essential it is for delivering medication, supplies, urgent correspondence. The USPS is crucial civic infrastructure!
Call your representatives and senators and demand that the government fund the USPS and strengthen its ability to handle voting by mail! Also, demand that they reverse the requirement that the USPS fully fund pensions 75 years into the future—no other agency has to do this!
Here’s a good list of action items: https://twitter.com/celeste_pewter/status/1294467364759560192
And if you’re voting by mail, a totally reasonable thing to do in a pandemic, request your ballot early, mail it early, and if possible deposit directly into a ballot collection drop. Request mail-in ballots and find local election info here: https://www.usvotefoundation.org/vote/eoddomestic.htm
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