This is more extreme than even the choir superspreading event, and thus worse from the people defending a pre-existing immunity to infection idea. Attack rate of 85.2%, 104/122 individuals (and 3 of those don't count, since they had antibodies before boarding)
I really, *really* don't see a place for T-cell cross immunity to protect against *infection* and change herd immunity required percentages with stuff like this.
I see no way for a ship to recruit people non-randomly for having a common cold like 30 weeks before. It's pretty easy to punch the relevant numbers with the inbuilt binomial function in R: for 50% or 35% immune from before odds are hilariously abysmal (low but not funny for 20%)
This js a very good thread explaining background and what we know on current evidence, but it does very little to make me more optimist about this
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