Maryland, New Jersey, and other states, are drastically altering their educational model for the upcoming school year and on.
They not only want in-person heavily controlled School.
They want online "educational packages".
They want their cake and eat it too. They not only want to keep their salaries, their Union, and their perks, now they want to farm out the education itself to third parties. So they can make more money for even less work.
They want to be the managers in the middle decreeing what is appropriate and what isn't for education without teaching anything themselves.
They want whatever voucher you may receive for homeschooling and there will be additional fees for supplies and
downloads of software,apps, and required/recommended reading books There are already deals being discussed with publishers for required downloads of certain books/apps and the profit they will make from those "requirements".
They are salivating at the profit potential of newly-developed apps.
They are discussing a "global component to your child's education so that they may learn and reflect the best qualities of cultures from around the world"
Unquote ๐Ÿ™„
And we all know that this means, when you send your child to school whether it is the physical school or the living room, a radical/perv halfway around the world will be "educating" your children.
They also want control of homeschooling. You will not be permitted to homeschool your child unless you participate in their approved online program and your child ,and possibly yourself, are vaccinated properly.
Issuance of approved State diplomas/college entrance will be denied if you do not participate in these approved programs.
The online education will be farmed out to those holding approved online teaching certificates from them. They know there is a large push for homeschooling now and they want to control it. They also want to control what you teach your own child.
Everyday there is more and more on the line with this election. This isn't just an election if they are permitted to get their claws into the country they will rip it apart and they will never give up power again.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
We have all seen the riots on TV. The uneducated unthinking drones that know only, me me me, and violence.
The people planning these "educational" programs actually discuss the riots on TV and how in just a few years time those riots could be multiplied by thousands
IF they could just "properly educate" children now without parental interference or outside control. They want to build an army using your children as fodder.
To enact "Real Change" as they call it. On a permanent basis ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
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