Re: dermatitis from excessive hand washing - hey I just wanted to pass a tip - from someone who's had terrible dermatitis on my fingers for months - cycling through blisters to skin peeling to skin infections or a combination of all the above... I've found something that works...
... I accidently had a period where I just used alcohol-based hand sanitiser because I was reacting to literally everything else - even dermitilogically tested anti-allergenic products - & instead of drying out, my hands started getting better...
I'd already had a round of antibiotics after my skin got badly infected - as soon as the antibiotics finished I got blisters and new infections again - even from just a bland moisturiser - but with just hand sanitiser & nothing else everything started getting better...
I didn't really understand why so I googled it and found it is a known thing that people with dermatitis/eczma have a different bacterial environment on their skin and/or reaction to the bacteria to normal people and that's why hand sanitiser worked to fix it (I'll post links)
I've been using nothing but frequent hand sanitiser now for a few weeks and my skin is finally pretty much back to normal, for literally the first time in months - WHO has found for people like nurses who have to wash their hands frequently, hand sanitiser causes no skin problems
I guess I should add a disclaimer - I'm not a Dr or dermatologist (I can't even spell "dermatologist" most of the time) - I've haven't seen hand sanitiser suggested as a treatment for dermatitis - but it's 100% worked for me & the science seems to indicate why it might work
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