1/ Thread: Are we ignoring the damaging effects of #LongCovid, particularly in workers under 50?
The general message from government is dont worry if your not in a risk group, you won't die. This messaging is particularly strong in regards to school staff.
I received a DM today
2/ The individual wishes to remain anonymous, they worry about how their school might respond if they put their name to it, but they wanted people to hear their experience.

They work in a primary school and have been severely unwell for 5 months since March with Covid
3/ "I caught the virus because schools were not closed early enough. My last memory of school?
Clicking on the names of 3 children in my class to see why they were absent,only to discover they were off with Coronavirus
symptoms. It is highly likely I caught the virus in school"
4/ "This ordeal has been horrendous, and I am still suffering from severe pain and extreme fatigue. I struggle putting my shoes on and walking up stairs, and get breathless easily."
5/ They are white, under 45 with no underlying health conditions and this has left them with potentially permanent health conditions.
"I'm hoping to return to work on 1 Sep, which I know is going to be a real struggle, and I'm terrified of
catching it a second time."
6/ "Primary school children do
spread the virus and it is dangerous
to open schools to all children
without social distancing.We know
social distancing appears to work
more than anything else, and it is
reckless to abandon it so soon."
7/ How many suffer #LongCovid?
Data from Covid symptom tracker
estimates around 600k have
suffered for more than a month, 24k
for more than 3 months.
Who is most likely to get long covid?
Appears it can happen to most ages but more likely to be those in 30s and 40s
9/ We still don't understand Covid, and know even less about #LongCovid and schools are the only workplaces where we will be putting 30 people in rooms for hours without social distancing or PPE and in some cases not even windows or ventilation.
10/ When I see whats being put in to protect office workers and last week when I went to the opticians and then compare it to schools...
When cases begin to rise again it just won't be sustainable.

I want to know how many education workers are suffering from #LongCovid
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