Thread. The best original format; Marvel, DC and adjacent oversized GNs. I don’t have them all but I love a lot of them. First, Lee and Buscema’s Silver Surfer Judgement Day. Every page a splash. Pretty dull read but beautiful, of course. 1/x
Marvel GN. Wolverine/Nick Fury Scorpio Connection. The perfect team up of Goodwin and Chaykin with Richard (Golden Age, Flagg) Ory colours and Bruzenak letters. A great, globetrotting espionage romp with prime Chaykin and Wolverine in the only costume that matters. 2/x
Marvel GN. Daredevil Love & War. Miller & Sienkiewicz with Jim Novak letter. Not much to say. Stunning work. Miller describes working with Sink as like jazz. He’d throw out something and work with what he got back. Everyone’s read it so I’ll shut up. 3/x
Marvel GN. Inhumans by Nocenti, Blevins and Williamson with Scheele and Novak. Very wrought story with “should we kill our baby” overtones but the art is stunning. Blevins and Williamson deliver the drama hand over fist. Look at Black Bolt on that column...4/x
Marvel GN: Black Widow Punisher: Spinning Doomsday’s Web. Chichester, peak Stroman and Farmer. Really great art. A perfect art team. Odd/middling story. Highlight is BW in disguise as a man with a ‘tache. See if you can spot her 5/x
Marvel GN: Black Widow Coldest War. Conway and George Freeman. Biggest disappointment of any of these. Inks by Colon, Farmer, Freeman, Harris, Mayerick & Rubinstein. Incredibly disjointed but with some nice moments. When it’s good, it’s great but mostly it’s not. 6/x
Marvel GN: Wolverine: Bloody Choices. Defalco and Buscema. Painted colours by Greg Wright. The distance between the quality of the art vs the atrociousness of the story is unbearable. The guy in the fourth image has the same haircut as Logan. Could the be related? 🤢 7/x
Marvel GN: Drs Strange & Doom: Triumph & Torment. Stern, Mignola & Badger. The choice of Badger addled my teenage brain. I’ve long since come to love it. It’s a unique art combo; expressive lines and colour over a ‘formative’ Mignola. I wonder if there’s a story behind it 8/x
Marvel GN: Punisher Assassin’s Guild. Duffy/Zaffino. (I’m not sure trust a apostrophe is in the right place. The guild belongs to one assassin?).
Story’s fine. The art is sublime. Zaffino made even the most boring page interesting. 9/x
Marvel GN: Cloak & Dagger Mantlo/Stroman/Williamson. Confession: I’ve never read this. It’s a fascinating looking thing with flashes of Stroman but tonnes of Williamson and his lines. I love to look at bits of it and will read it one day. 10/x
Marvel GN: Spidey: Spirits of the Earth. Charles Vess came fairy hunting to Scotland and worked out how to claim it on expenses. It’s a beautiful book and similar to other superhero visits country/city X stories. Worth it for the art alone. 11/x
Marvel GN: Punisher Blood on the Moors. Grant/Wagner/Kennedy. Another superhero visits country/city X, this time produced by Scots but no less uncomfortable than if written by a foreigner. Once again, a beautiful art job; Cam Kennedy on full power. 12/x
Marvel GN: Shadow 1941. O’Neil and a fascinating combination of Kaluta and Russ Heath. A beautifully put together period piece with colours by Chiarello et al. I’ve owned this a couple of times but won’t let it go now. A great pulp story by O’Neil too. 13/x
Marvel GN: Punisher: Return to Big Nothing. Grant/Zeck/Beatty. If I’m honest, the art doesn’t compare to the Punisher mini but it’s great, clean storytelling. Nice gang-work! Yet another corrupt Vietnam officer in Castle’s past. Worth it as a Zeck fan. Solid enough story. 14/x
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