This week, a bill to ban abortion passed in the NE Legislature. I voted AGAINST this bill. It was patently unconstitutional and inserts the state between a woman and her doctor.

We’ve grown accustomed to “Republicans” being loudly anti-choice, but this WASN'T always the case.
Just 3 years after Roe v. Wade, public opinion polls showed Republicans SUPPORTED abortion rights even MORE than Democrats!

Republican First Lady Betty Ford called Roe v. Wade a “great, great decision,” and Republican VP Nelson Rockefeller CAMPAIGNED for abortion rights in NY.
But in the mid-70s a realignment started to occur. Republican strategists realized they could peel off Dem. voting Catholics & evangelical protestants so they leaned HARD into this issue. Groups like the Moral Majority formed and abortion became an easy way to motivate the base.
No thanks. This is not the Republican Party that I belong to. I am under NO obligation to conform to your revisionist version of the party (who by the way, continually skirts science, the rule of law, and the constitution).

You can have Trump. I'll take Lincoln.
We need to fund women’s health. Let's work to make abortion rare, legal, and safe.
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