Every human on this planet has a mix of Pleiadian, Sirian and/or Alpha Draconian ancestry, in addition to the genetics of the Earth-based hominids.
The first Neanderthal type hominids (O+) were produced from the Annunaki and two simians of Earth (chimps/gorillas). These eventually developed into homosapians.
Adam was Pleiadian (A1+) and Eve was Sirian (B+). They were the beginning of a phase to develop a new type of human that would be able to advance past the current limitations held by the species at that time.
The Alpha Draconian species came later (75000 years ago) and breed with the humans of that time to create the first RH negative hybrids on Earth - the Nephilim (giants).

More variations of the Earth-Human came after this but these are the initial main types.
Your blood type gives an indication of your ancestry (but not the total picture).

A1+ Pleiadian
A2+ Pleiadian (Draco recessive)
A- Draco
B+ Sirian
B- Draco/Sirian
AB- All fused
O+ Simian/Earth dominant (with any variants mixed in)
O- Draco
Each ET genetic insertion carries unique personality and energetic aspects, for example:
The Pleiadians gave the trait of high empathy.
The Alpha Draconian gave the trait of strong logical ability.
The Sirians gave the trait of high levels of compassion.
AB- is a mix of all and is considered the ultimate blood type. Those of AB- are often said to have either the highest levels of intelligence, compassion and empathy OR be the opposite of all this.
In general:

The A's are the Scholars/Archers/Intellects.
The B's are the Shamans/Hunters/Healers.
The O's are the Warriors/Builders/Destroyers.
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