Let's talk about a general strike.

What might that look like, aside from the actual protesting?

COMMUNITY based action is going to be key here. If you're near a bigger city that has held sustained protests, it will look similar, just on a MUCH larger scale.
Some examples of what you could do aside from protesting include, but are absolutely not limited to:

Collecting donations or supplies (Signs, food, water, masks, etc) via a drive or fundraiser and coordinating with folks on the front lines to get things directly to them.
Offering Childcare or making meals, within reason obviously (If you're high risk for covid, this may not be for you. )

Spreading the word. Talk about what's going on, in depth and with fact based evidence.

CALL AND EMAIL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES. Often. Hold them accountable.
Look around for local bail and transportation funds in your community. If you can't donate, repost.

Do not reach out to BIPOC for education. Reach out and offer them and other marginalized groups (LGBTQ, for example) and offer them the same support as protesters. It's getting more dangerous by the day for them to go about their daily lives in public.
You can follow @JinxSocialist.
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