A thread about the Post Office, because everyone is stupid.
Stupid person: "But the Post Office isn't supposed to be profitable!"

Well, that's great, because it isn't. It's not breaking even, either. They're asking Congress for $75 billion, 25 of which is just to cover this year's past losses!
That's $228 per American, which is twenty books of stamps per person.
Stupid person: "But they wouldn't be so behind if it wasn't for the meanie GOP making them prefund 75 years of pensions!"

Nope. First, they're not funding 75 years' worth of pensions, that's ridiculous nonsense from financially illiterate AOC.
They're *calculating* 75 years' out, then required to save *this year's* portion for current/former employees. Like anyone else on a budget.
Stupid person: "But nobody else has to do this!"

Except for pretty much everyone. Since 1974, all private sector employers must prefund their pensions. The same actuarial principles are applied.
Also, it makes more sense: prefunded pensions allow for investment, and are LOTS CHEAPER in the long run.

If you want to know what a pay-as-you-go scenario looks like, ask a millennial about social security. Then duck.
Stupid person: "They're destroying sorting machines and collection boxes. Trump is stealing the election!"

They've been doing this for decades, especially as the volume of mail continues to decrease. There's no conspiracy here.
Surprisingly, mail carriers will pick up outgoing mail from your house or your place of business.

(Also, despite Trump's grumblings about vote by mail, mail-in balloting tends to favor Republicans. Like, a lot.)
Desperately stupid person: "But my mail has never been late before!"

Besides the fact you're a liar, this is to be expected with staff shortages and changes to overtime rules. Especially where billions of dollars for unions are at stake.
Current USPS practice is to send carriers out with the expectation that all mail on the truck will be delivered. Overtime pay is not only common, it is *expected;* carriers have filed grievances with the union to demand more overtime "opportunities."
USPS overtime starts at 150% base pay, with the highest paid handler netting 181k annually.

In 2018, USPS paid almost *29 million* in overtime.
Note about ballots: There are around 153 million registered voters in the US. If every single eligible person votes by mail, it would not even double the average daily letter-handling capacity of the USPS.
(This increased volume could be 100% accounted for by suspending junk mail handling for a day or two.)
Addendum: to deal with the persistent, stupid myth that "the GOP" passed the PAEA which "forced" USPS to fund its pension liabilities, the vote was near-unanimous: 410 aye, 3 nay, including 201 Democrats voting in favor and one against.
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