Things you aren’t told about the Britney Spears “breakdown” era (2005-08) #FreeBritney | a thread
In 2005, Britney was working on an album titled “Original Doll” that was going to use her real voice and expose the toxic people around her that were money hungry and were terrible people. Although she fought for it, her record label refused to release it.
In 2006/7, the paparazzi begin a disgusting reign of terror on Spears’ life that has them following her every move to the point where at one point she almost drops her son...
Spears has said in the past that she’s closer to her mother and at some point in 2006-7 her and her father stopped talking
Britney and her husband, Kfed, go through a very public divorce and custody battle
Actual magazine covers of the media painting britney out to be bad mother:
Britney’s team forces her on stage at the VMAS 2007 (clearly wasn’t ready)
Actual news report from 2007:
Britney still was working on her album “Blackout” even though the entire world was against her
In 2008, Britney is rushed to the hospital and soon after she was placed into a conservatorship. (paparazzi still had no respect and still took pictures)
After Spears was placed into a conservatorship a documentary was aired and she said this:
Also just a few months after this, she wasn’t given a break because they had her record an album and go on a full world tour... #FreeBritney
Under the conservatorship,

Britney can’t:
-have her basic human rights
-access her own money

Britney can:
-make money
-go on tour
-release albums/perfumes
Note: also her father and management team planned this entire conservatorship out easily due to the media’s way of showing her being an unfit person. They even lied saying she had dementia...
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