☕ *THREAD* - Your biggest desires will become as simple as picking up a cup of coffee

If you use the secret "it is done" formula
When you go buy coffee

You never think they will be out of coffee
You never think what if I crash on the way

Your coffee is guaranteed so long as you pick it up

It's not a big deal

🔑 When your biggest desires feel this way, consider them guaranteed
"Amen" means "it is done"

Hoping & wishing is not belief, it's begging

BELIEF is that same feeling as getting the coffee

The moment you crave it...
"it is done"

You don't EVER worry about it not being done

Really think about this for a moment
Technically there is no guarantee

They could be closed for renovation
There could be construction and a closed road

There might be traffic or a long line

Such thoughts NEVER cross the mind

You just go get your coffee...you don't put too much thought into it
It is so obvious, easy, guaranteed the moment you crave it

"it is done"
just go pick it up

If you can feel this same way towards your biggest aspirations

The same subtle "it is done" feeling
It could all be as simple as just 'picking it up'

It's already there waiting for you
All my wins had 1 thing in common

The "it is done" feeling

I knew for 100% absolute solid FACT if I did 'x' thing I would make $20,000/month

It was not a matter of IF but WHEN

All I had to do was 'go pick it up'
It wasn't a 'technique' or 'affirmations' or some hack

fk the hack, the hack is wack


Try to think back to moments in your life

Where the "it is done" feeling was there
Did someone have a crush on you?

They did not quite articulate it, it technically wasn't guaranteed

But you just KNEW for a absolute solid FACT that they were crushing

🔑 This is the key to the entire thing

🔑 The specifics and details consider that as:

How many people are in line at the coffee shop
How much traffic there is
How many red lights you hit
How close of a parking spot you get

THE SPECIFICS you figure out on the FLY

🔑 This is the key to the ENTIRE THING
You don't know the EXACT parking space, you know the parking lot

You have clarity of the WHERE and the HOW

But the EXACT specifics don't matter too much

The FEELING of "it is done"
"i am going to get coffee"

is the driver of 'picking it up'
Take a snapshot of previous "it is done" feelings

Notice it's not some huge hype motivational feeling

It's a subtle interest or desire

This means you BELONG
It is not a big deal to you, which means you belong

Big Deal = You don't belong, it's not normal for you
The "it is done" feeling

It's not a big deal

You don't hope or wish
You belong & deserve it

The specifics space is not required just the parking lot

Thank you for reading

- Yous
If someone tells you to go to the ‘best coffee shop in town’

You get in your car and go there

..and there is nothing there

Is it your fault?

It’s their fault because they’re an idiot

It’s partly your fault because you couldn’t tell they were an idiot

🔑 A BS detector is essential

The way you get 100% clarity to get to the parking lot

Is to listen to people who know what they’re talking about
The right strategy is what gives you that clarity

You won’t get the right strategy listening to the wrong people

That in itself might be another thread

A BS detector is needed

Build the right strategy & get that clarity

🔑 That first win is what forever changes belief
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