After the week I've had teaching in-person and adapting to Covid-safe environments/spaces/exercises/activities with young people I just thought I'd give my reflections, in case it may help anyone who's thinking about doing it or interested...
... 1- So, the obvious one, space. You need LOTS of it. Had we not been on a large main stage with access to the auditorium as well it wouldn't have worked. The floor had marks stuck down at 2m intervals for our circle (16 spots) and it took up the whole stage...
... 2 - a lot of your classic warm up games are still good to go. Zip zap boing, waaa, ball of energy, splat, animal kingdom, wolves (or mafia as some people call it). As long as they don't shout you're all good so maybe start with games that don't involve 'getting out'...
...3- any facilitator will tell you plans can change, but do be prepared for mass changes. I found that having longer and fewer tasks worked better as there's less changes and variety for you and the young people to keep track of. The easier it is logistically the more focused...
... you can all be on the tasks at hand. 4- add 5 mins onto breaks and lunch, maybe closer to 10 on the first day or two. Everything moves slower to make sure everyone sanitises/sits apart etc. and they need the down time (and so do you!)...
... 5- young people get why there are so many new rules but that doesn't mean they don't also have a lot of questions. Take some time to answer them, doing so helped me remember everything as there's A LOT of new info/rules to implement...
... 6- let the young people help! They came up with a brilliant idea for a covid-safe game that we ended playing on our last day and it was one of the best parts of the week. They've got great ideas, you're as new to this as they are...
... 7- the exhaustion is real. You will spend every second making sure they are always distancing no matter how well-behaved they are (they were amazing) and it takes its toll. But it's worth it I promise you that...
... 8- ENJOY IT. You actually get used to it pretty quickly and we got a real flow going towards the end. Gutted it was only a week but hopefully it proves that it is possible and things can start to happen again...
... so there. Some of those may have been obvious but hopefully it may be helpful if it's something you'll be doing soon. There's probably more things that what I've put here but trust yourself, your intuition and the YP and you'll be fine. Here's to youth theatre! ❤
As some are liking/RT'ing (thank you so much!) I thought I'd add some #'s to hopefully reach more! #drama #education #theatreineducation #youththeatre #theatre #covidsafe #dramaeducation #summerschool #youngpeople #youth
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