I’ve been working my way through this case today. It belonged to my grandad and contains all the objects and papers related to his 3 ½ years as a #FEPOW. #JVDay75
He was reported missing, in Java, in March 1942. Then, in April 1943, his parents were informed that he had been killed in action.
There’s a letter in the case, dated 1993, that he wrote to the Far East POW Association, outlining his experiences. ‘I ought to write a book, but that may not get the sheer hideousness of the experience out of the depths of my brain.’
He was prisoner number 67 (photograph taken in August 1943).
Grandad’s few personal possessions included this bible, which his father had also carried through the First World War. This bunch of heather is pressed within its pages. I wish I knew its significance.
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