Saturday morning coffee thought — what will be the effect of people my age having unrivaled access to older, high-achieving role models who tout the importance of "mental wealth"?

Let me see if I can explain because that's terrible phrasing...
I'm talking about the Type-A, high-achiever who got rich, settled down, and realized wealth wasn't the final piece of the puzzle.

So now they meditate, journal, introspect, fast, pray, etc.

And they say that they wish they could share what they now know with their 25 yo self.
"Had I known then what I know now, I would have gone thru my 20s & 30s with less anger, more happiness, & I would've been kinder to myself & others."

You know the people I'm talking about, there's plenty of em.
The first million times I heard that, I thought it was a bunch of BS.

I thought that the sequence of "financial wealth -> mental wealth" had to go in that order.

That you couldn't start Step 2 until you completed Step 1.
"Easy for you to have a gratitude journal, you're filthy rich!"

"You have plenty of time to meditate because you don't have to work anymore!"

"Wow you're kinder to yourself, duh you fucking made it!"
But I don't think that's true anymore.

And that's mostly from my personal experience.

Implementing the "mental wealth" tactics in my own life and noticing improvements.
That's a long-winded premise, but here's my point —

I'm incredibly optimistic about my generation.

We have unrivaled access to these thoughts/opinions/advice because of social media.

Not everyone will listen, but a lot will!
The generation who already "made it" had way less access to those same ideas when they were my age.

I have dozens of role models I follow who I can hear from every day.

It seems to me that if you're tuned into the right ppl you can literally get a 20 yr head start.
Sure there are always books and mentors that help.

But I can just open Twitter & read that Person X wishes they had started doing Y when they were my age.

Well I am my age! Might as well give it a shot!
What an unbelievable gift!

And it's because of the candidness & generosity of the older generation.

I'm not sure what the exact effect will be, but I think it could end up with tons of young people navigating thru this period of our lives with more grace.
So to basically everyone I follow — thank you.

Know that you're inspiring a generation of young people.

The end results may not reveal themselves for a while.

But please be proud of how helpful you are to so many people you've never even met.
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