i just want to say im sorry to everyone ive hurt with this thread, it wasnt my intention to spread misinformation and past the first couple tweets i was going off of what people were dming me . i really am sorry to anyone ive hurt by this and i deleted the whole thread so it +
didnt spread further. i was trying to do something good and i just executed it badly, im not asking for u to forgive me, because you dont have to, but i am really sorry... i didnt expect the tweet to get as much traction as it did or as many dms about things to add and when it +
tw // anxiety

started getting attention i muted it because it was making me anxious, i didnt see any of the qrts and im sorry i didnt delete it sooner. i didnt wanna hurt anyone so im really sorry :/ if u wanna talk about it you can dm my priv but other than that ill be offline
about the namjoon thing im sorry, i really am, i never meant it to be taken as him having a boyfriend is bad, i thought the person who sent it to me was just upset over misinformation and im sorry
i didnt know me trigger warning coming out was harmful i trigger warned it because it causes me anxiety and im sorry, i really am
pls stop saying i twed namjoon being gay i twed coming out
ik thats not a tw i didnt realize it at the time and im sorry, coming out makes me really anxious so i twed it, ik it was wrong now and im sorry
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