Feel like talking about the envy and jealousy aspect of plurality after realizing how noticeable it was for us? This is probably going to turn out to be a long thread. Content Warning: Spirituality/Demons
A long time ago on an old now-deleted forum site we encountered an individual who had a demon possessing their body? They said they did, anyway, and this demon was a completely different individual from them and was treated as such on the forums.
It was pretty much acknowledged that eventually the demon would overtake this person and subdue them, and the whole forum kinda accepted it? The person who had the demon seemed cool with it, and there wasn't much we could do about it anyway lol
So they were on the forums, treated as normal, and I remember we were feeling just INTENSE jealousy and envy. Not over the attention they were getting or how they were being treated, but envy over their co-consciousness and ability to work together.
Envious of the fact that they could just TALK to one another the way they did and that both parties were aware of each other in the same space, and even envious that the demon would eventually subdue the host so they'd no longer be in control.
Envy so intense that it was almost an anger of sorts.

(We've never heard of a singlet experiencing that sort of envy, and honestly it wouldn't make sense for most to, seeing as how they're often co-conscious with themselves and have control of themselves, being singlet and all.
Most singlets also would find it horrifying if they were not in control of themselves or were subdued by another entity, but here we were being extremely jealous of someone who's fate was just that.)
We didn't understand what we were at the time or that one of us in the system was specifically jealous of their co-consciousness, so we ended up being in this weirdly uncomfortable space where we were trying not to seem too interested but also wanted to know more and
also resented them a little for doing so well.

We'd experience this a few more times as we encountered really well-put together plurals who seemed to know how to function and manage themselves. We wanted to know more, grew envious, and yet tried to respect them and
not behave poorly-all while we were experiencing plurality of our own on the side; with us encountering each other in an innerworld and not having full control of ourselves.

Which makes me wonder if sometimes the really bad reactions that some singlets have to plurality
(whether it be extreme prying or confusion and anger) are a way of expressing this feeling and deflecting from their own possible plurality or plurality-related issues?

It's been brought up before, but I think maybe if you're a singlet and you're experiencing some envy over the
way plural systems function and understand themselves, you might be plural yourself?

(The plural community is open to you if you're trying to figure this out! Feel free to join the community or read some articles like https://morethanone.info/# , it's okay to be this way)
This could explain at least some of the odd reactions to plurality we've seen from others? It might be helpful to let others know that it's alright to feel this way (not to harm others over it though) and that they may be plural (or looking for plural-related help) if it persists
#pluralgang #pluralpride #endogenic #endopride #endosquad
(Content Warning for spirituality and demon talk)
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