Progressives and their media friends are flat out lying to you about mail in voting.

What they are doing is an EXCEEDINGLY dangerous attempt to delegitimize the 2020 election if/when they lose it.

#USPSsabotage #USPS #MailInVoting #MailInBallots

First off, mail in voting so far this year has...indisputably...been a disaster.

The NY Congressional race between Maloney and Patel makes this clear.

TWENTY PERCENT of ballots were tossed in that race. TWENTY PERCENT!

Same thing happened in NJ

It took SIX WEEKS to declare a victor and (more) progressive candidate refused to concede...went on MSNBC and said “voter suppression is a real thing" in the Dem party.

This happened because #USPS got overwhelemed in a fairly low turnout race relative to general election.

The losing progressive, Patel, filed a federal lawsuit that argues “an election law snafu” might “disenfranchise a massive number of voters" and claims that over 4% of ballots were invalidated (real number later seems to have been 20%.)

And the actual number of ballots rejected was somewhere between 20% and 30% depending on the precise location...which is INSANE.

Meanwhile, high level progressives are preparing to do what Patel did nationally.

Here's Susan Rice... the woman who almost became Biden's VP candidate... spreading a known conspiracy theory about this.

Also, if I were a Democrat like, I'd be screaming NOT to vote by mail.

A significant fraction of votes by mail WILL be lost or invalidated despite any crash program to count them...if we'd started this process in January it'd wouldn't have been enough time.

And worse (from Dems perspective), Trump's opposition to mail in voting has made Dems more likely to do it and GOPers less likely to do it.

This means there's a decent possibility that more Dem votes will be invalidated or lost than GOP votes.

Ex: In NY race, arguably 61 percent of Dems voted by mail.

Using 65.8 million pop votes for Clinton in 2016 as a proxy, let's say 60% of them do. That's 39.5 million votes by mail.

Trump got 63 million pop votes, let's say GOP is half as likely at 30%. That's 18.9 mil.

Now let's say that USPS loses 20% of votes nationally (remember, could be WAY more.)

So Hillary would have lost almost 8 million pop votes while Trump would have lost 3.8 mil.

So on net, Trump would have "gained" 4 million votes...and won pop vote.

Given that Dems have refused to accept election outcomes on basis of FAR less than this (Georgia Gov races comes to mind I don't want to see what this would make them do.

Remember, the are ALREADY claiming that the USPS is nefariously suppressing the vote.

And remember, even NYT admits NY race was disaster.

Primaries have WAY lower turnout than Presidential, so disaster could be exponentially worse.

It's a VERY real prospect that mail in voting may make who won unclear till Inauguration Day. The country can't handle that.

The worrying thing is that even the smarter academic types, like @LarrySabato who I have a lot of respect for and with whom I had a spat with about this, are ignoring the danger here.

So, bookmark this thread and point to it when Dems INEVITABLY blame their 2020 loss on the mail in voting they screamed for...simply because Trump was against it.

It really does seem like they're gearing up to delegitimize their loss if they lose

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