The MD guide to the 20 greatest crisps of all time. In Order.

Number 20

Chinese Quavers
The MD guide to the 20 greatest crisps of all time. In Order.

Number 19

Smiths Bovril
The MD guide to the 20 greatest crisps of all time. In Order.

Number 18

Tudor Tomato Sauce
The MD guide to the 20 greatest crisps of all time. In Order.

Number 17

Firm favourites of the Honk Kong Phooey Popular Front:

Golden Wonder Bacon and Mushroom Kung Fuey
The MD guide to the 20 greatest crisps of all time. In Order.

Number 16

KP Discos - n.b "The new kind of CRISP"
The MD guide to the 20 greatest crisps of all time. In Order.

Number 15

Golden Wonder HP Sauce
The MD guide to the 20 greatest crisps of all time. In Order.

Number 14

Smiths Flavour 'n Shake

NOT to be confused with Salt 'n' Shake

Flavours: Salt 'n' vinegar, Smokey Bacon, Fish 'n chips, Cheese & Onion, Worcester Sauce and Tomato Ketchup
Plain/Ready Salted is such a lazy crisp.
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