#WalkAway: "I guess it’s time to share my walk-away story. I am a 2nd generation American and like many others here, I was taught to believe that the Republican Party was only for the white and the wealthy. I hated President Trump! When he won the Presidential Election in 20161/x
, I cried in frustration. How dumb could these Americans be? Electing a businessman, a billionaire, a liar, a racist who wants to build a wall and has nothing to offer us! Every news channel I tuned into (Fox was never on my list) was about Trump- how dreadful he was and how 2/x
his administration was not handling things well. I thought to myself, “how horrible can a man be, to be blasted 24/7 on every channel I watch?” Impeach him already! I even signed more than 10 petitions to kick him out.

It wasn’t until I came across a post that talked about 3/x
the ‘History of the Republican Party’. I did a lot of research & was gobsmacked by the result. It can’t be! These Republicans were the people fighting against slavery? Still incredulous at the idea I had to look up something to oppose it. The KKK. There must be a connection! 4/x
Trump is associated with them. I was even more surprised when I did find out the truth about the Klan, its founders and why it was established.

I became more open-minded and tried to catch up with all of Trump’s achievements. I learnt that building the wall wasn’t because of 5/x
hate. It was because human traffickers use loopholes in our immigration laws to exploit women & children. In 2018, ICE made 1588 Human Trafficking arrests and identified 308 victims. Of the 1,588 arrests, 1543 were for sex trafficking violations. Without a wall, our southern 6/x
border is wide open to human trafficking. He has annihilated ISIS, he has killed Qassim al-Rimi and Iranian General, Qasem Soleimani. I also learnt that Trump is trying to bring back the America that we once knew & loved. for Christ’s sake his campaign slogan is “MAKE AMERICA 7/x
GREAT AGAIN”. He is bringing back God to our nation, to the White house and to our schools. Trump has boosted our economy and under his administration, the unemployment rate is at its lowest! He is definitely not racist and he is doing all he can to HELP US!
I now realize 8/x
that I’ve been fooled all my life by this party that I thought was ‘for the people’. I started realizing how they had sugar-coat the truth and blame everything bad on Trump. I’ve come to realize that there are only TWO GENDERS. That we must fight to PROTECT THE LIVES of the 9/x
unborn and that Pedophillia is certainly not a sexual orientation and we should SAVE OUR CHILDREN.
And in November, there is no doubt who I’ll be voting for.. Catch you later on the Trump Train! CHOO CHOO!!!!!!!

#SaveOurChildren" - Esther 🇺🇸 10/10
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