This world is limited, fleeting, and what we've earned only lasts until we die, and exists solely as a vibrational imprint upon the code of our soul as a display and expression of the lessons we mastered and lessons we've earned the opportunity to succeed and master.
Hence, with this knowledge, with the continuty of lifetimes of experience, with the concept of spiritual evolution and partnership

It would be wise to understand that fixations of materialisms and fleeting emotions are empty and baseless in the grand scheme
Invest yourself towards incredible people whom will exist and be by yours side, as well as you can count on to always face the truth and the music with bravery, integrity and honesty.

People you can rely on.

Souls you can grow alongside regardless of what may happen.
Everyone gets fixated on the success of the short term lives we experience.

They would betray and lose out on the long term benefit of growing alongside a stellar human being

For hopes of gaining more in this life.

I enjoy and strive towards success much more than most (99.9%)
But for me true success is my soul becoming a diamond of purity + potency of whatever intents I choose to devote my energy towards.

Instead of the short lived skillful executions for my monetary achievements.

Find people whom you can respect, grow, cherish, and love -- fully.
Fearlessly, and with 0 reservations.

Invest into these people.

Invest into them as a understanding that it is in turn, an investment into yourself.

Being alone is a magnificent thing, I've spent years alone honing my craft, developing my mind, etc etc.
But there is tremendous value to be had from having a select group of souls whom you incarnate alongside with, and grow, push each other to higher heights, and elevate each others vibration.

This isn't a statement of love, its a statement of wisdom, and ultimately, humanity.
The stepping stones of the cultivation of your entirety of your souls progression.

The souls you walk alongside facilitate many of the emotional lessons and karmas you live through.

Understand that.

Invest into not being a garbage human.

Good day.
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