Gig economy ( #AnalysisThread) favors hard work and offers little to no protections to those who want free gibs.

The state of California deems that very racist & sexist (see what they did there?) and wants to eradicate the #GigEconomy;wants to give everybody exact same conditions
Gig economy is weighted more by merit than by social capital. This makes it very un-controllable by the media, who rely on control via the #SocialCapital

The media, the progressive groups attack everything they can't control.
Large organizations (inc. labor unions) rely more on social capital than on merit. Hard to measure individual contributions; activism gives warm feels.

Anybody with social capital is given job, promotion, titles, budget - even if delivering no value; even if *negative* value.
Case in point: various diversity, implicit bias, white guilt, etc., trainings - they tell men to work less hard cause women & BIPOC. This is negative value.

Gets promoted & budgeted by large organizations - because it's judged by social capital rather than by value delivered.

* problems at scale are hard
* people make cool $20k / 3.5 hr by hijacking & navigating social structures
* this deadwood accumulates, and is not sustainable
* the problem is magnified & manipulated by *skewed* information published in media
A quick follow-up on discord:

>and yeah, good call with Cali being the Deadwood Central

>They’re too protective about wildfires
>The occasional wildfire actually helps encourage growth etc
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