Quick thread to become more productive! 💡

- You should start waking up an hour earlier and complete a small task

- Completing this small task will help you feel motivated to complete more throughout the day

- For example, in college I would wake up and take my quizzes đŸ’»

- By completing this quiz and doing well I was starting my day on a positive note 🚀

- You should also invest in a planner to make sure everything that needs to be done is written down

- I use Google Calendar and an actual one but do what’s best for you! 🗓
- Another thing I recommend is putting an index card in your phone case with your daily goals 📔

- Check it 3 times throughout the day to make sure you’re making progress

- If you get 70% of them done you passed your day, but if you failed that’s the first thing tomorrow 🎯
Feel free to add tips that work for you as well! 💡
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