Think about the simplicity of the gospel shared by the first Christians

They didn’t drag heavy copies of the Septuagint everywhere they went

The “Bible” as we know it and the New Testament literally didn’t exist…

The gospel they shared was powerful in its simplicity
Gospel was a simple msg of Good News, perhaps this is a good enough summary:

- YHWH, the only true God, created us
- All men fall, we live in open rebellion to God, but God loved us anyways
- His people prophesied his return to Zion, after which he would defeat evil and death
- First Christians (ZEALOUS monotheists) became convinced of something almost unthinkable:

- that in some ineffable way, the prophesies of YHWH’s return & the salvation it brought were fulfilled in the person of Jesus — esp his self-sacrificial death & glorious resurrection
- that Jesus offered the gift of salvation to the *entire world* — not only to the Jews as most at the time thought
- that through repentance of our sins and by adoption into the body of Christ, we could be redeemed & made right with God
- That once we have been saved, we are a *new creation*, free to fulfill the purpose for which we were created: to serve as the vanguard of His liberating army, reflecting His love, mercy, justice & holiness into His beloved creation, which had become corrupted by sin
- that in some way we are His ambassadors, creating tiny footholds through which His love can enter and transform this broken world; we are His hands & feet, his instruments of peace, justice, & reconciliation!

- That we will stand before the Throne of Judgment, but that those of us who have accepted God’s offer of mercy will be spared from destruction & gifted eternal life

Oh what a beautiful gift!

Our undeserved place in His cosmic plan brings us a “peace that passes ALL understanding”

Our failings do not separate us from God; rather, His offer of love & mercy allows us to play a role in His ETERNAL victory!

*This* is the ultimate whitepill! 😁
I think this is a good addendum to this thread
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