Now Denver Public Schools is asking parents not to unenroll their kids and hire private teachers. And they tried to use race to guilt people into not doing it rather than presenting a coherent plan that assures parents their kids will not fall behind. This is crap. 1/7
This is only about DPS losing money because students withdraw. They don't give a rat's ass about your student falling behind. They don't give a rat's ass about students losing another year, they just want the money. Proof? This section of the pathetic letter they sent out. 2/
"Reject the notion of school vouchers and stipends that further siphon funds from public education."
What the actual hell does this have to do with ensuring kids get a great education? 2/7
And then there's this:
"Consider the equity implications of creating or joining pandemic pods or micro-schools." Got that? You are supposed to worry about every other kid whose parents don't have the resources or ability to ensure they learn. I'm sad all kids won't, 3/7
But as a parent, I am responsible for how MY KID performs. That's it. If that nonsense didn't work, they aren't afraid to scare you with this: 4/7
"If you do organize a pod, please confirm the safety of all children within the pod. Ask if guns exist in the house and if they are stored safely. All alcohol and prescription drugs must be locked away." Because if they can't guilt you into staying, they bring up guns. 5/7
Parents, do not think that a public school district gives a crap about your child until it comes to count day or test day. They don't care that your kid lost a third of the year last year, they just want to make sure they stay as far behind as all the other kids. 6/7
Read the full letter here, and if you find the part about how DPS is going to make sure ALL kids get a high level education this year, please point it out. I don't see it. They just don't want their achievement gap to be worse. 7/7
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