Ethics in the workplace
A thread
My sister is on a lecture with her job (she's a head waiter) and its the CEO turn to speak on the topic of guest behaving inappropriate towards female staff:
"Well, if a guest behaves badly towards a waitress change the staff waiting the table
She shouldn't have to wait a table where she feels uncomfortable. Especially now in these "metoo times" "
My sister raises her hand and asks
"What if there is a racial incident"
Ceo looks shocked and say "You tell the guest/s to leave since we never tolerate racism in
In this concern"

My sister just looked at him baffled
She's good at her job, she's fucking great at it and she says that if any of her waitresses was to be in that situation they have free range. Pour a drink on them, kick them out or just double the bill, she backs them up
Feels good knowing that once again women should just suck it up and take it, having to know the guest that maybe just pinched her ass us just a few meters away in the restaurant
Sexism is something I hear "won't be tolerated" but its never something that is actually dealt with
We always hear how bad sexism is but when it comes down to actually confront it all of a sudden ita not that important
"He didn't mean it like that"
"Don't take it so seriously"
"You know how he can be, don't pay attention to it"

But when it comes to racism, homophobia
Or any other unwanted dickwad behavior people often call it out faster than lightning

Women are yet again to be sacrificed and marginalized
When will blatant sexism start getting the same treatment and getting called out immediately?
When will the looking away, downplaying
And straight up ignoring dissappear?

My guess is that it will take a fucking long time since it's mostly men having to change their view in women and their own behavior and why would they want to do anything threatening their position?
Call out sexism wherever you see it
Yell loud and tell them what fucking wankera they are and never let anyone tell you "he didn't mean it like that" because trust me, he fucking did!
Obviously 😅
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