1)Have you ever thought that your every in breath charges you with power to live, and every out breath is death? That means that you are perpetually living and dying thirty or forty times a minute. More amazing still--if you will but give deep thought to it--is the fact that
2) whatever lives in you is not a poison to you, but whatever of your own body which does not live will poison you. You breathe in living oxygen which comes to you from the earth and its foliage. It dies in you and you breathe out a deadly poison known as carbon dioxide.
3) That carbon dioxide is not poison to the ground, however. It is food to the ground. The earth breathes in that food and breathes it out as oxygen, which is poison to it but life to you. Have you ever thought of that?
4) Have you ever thought that the water you drink, the air you breathe, and the food you eat, comes from the dead and decaying body of this planet, and that every living body which dies and is returned to the earth,
5) recharges the earth with renewed life? You probably have never given this a thought. We ask you to do so now, in order that you will more fully understand this
6) 6) next step in your understanding of life, death and immortality, in addition to beginning to know your universe.
Walter Russell
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