Today is August 15th, a very important day in my life.

27 years ago, my wife and I said "I do"...

...and the adventure began.

I'll show you some things I picked up along the way...

"Lessons in Marriage"

- A Thread -
2. Marriage is:

Marriage is a partnership

It's a collaborative effort

It's two people working together to:

- solve problems
- live in the moment
- work toward the future

It's not easy

It's not always fun

It can be quite painful

Done right, it is the best part of life

3. It's YOUR Marriage

Everyone has opinions on what marriage is

- Some are based on cultural beliefs
- Others are based on religious beliefs
- Still others on societal and familial beliefs

In the end, only YOUR beliefs matter

It is YOUR marriage

YOUR skin is in the game

4. Habits I've Developed

- Be intentional in everything, together

- Don't take ANYTHING for granted

- Don't leave ANYTHING unsaid

- Don't assume ANYTHING

- Begin with the END in mind

- Realize that we are on the same team

5. Attitudes: What it's NOT

- It's not about ASSIGNING roles

- It's not about who gets credit

- It's not about who is at fault

- It's not about compromise

- It's not about how you look to others

- It's not about LOVE as a NOUN
6. Attitudes: What it IS

- It is a partnership

- It is about GROWING into roles

- It is about collaboration

- It is about solving problems

- It is about accepting responsibility

- It is about creating something greater than you

- It is about LOVE AS A VERB

7. Finish

Our marriage is my greatest accomplishment

I am better today because of it

I am:

- less selfish
- more focused
- a better human
- excited for the future
- grateful for the last 27 years

If I die today, I have had a terrific life.

RT, if you found value.
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